Orion Infomart

Welcome to the Orion Infomart. This is the home page for Project Orion web-based information services.

Publicly Available Services
Schedule of Offered Classes
Search the University Schedule of Offered Classes for a specific semester. You may select Academic Career (Undergraduate, Graduate, etc), Subject, Catalog Number, Start or End of Meeting Time, Location Taught and Current Status. The displayed list includes a link to the departmental home page, all meeting patterns and current enrollment status.

Services Available to Students

Note: These services require that you enter your Student ID (or SSN) and your PIN.

Display Primary UserID by Employee/Student ID
Display your Primary Computer Account UserID by entering your Employee/Student ID.
Request Official Transcripts
A secure service that allows you to request an Official UofL Transcript be sent to any desired location from the Registars Office. You must provide your Student ID and PIN to access this application.

Services no longer available here
Display Student Grade Report
If you are a current student, you may access this information by logging in to your ULink account. If you do not have access to ULink, please email the Registrar’s Office at regoff@louisville.edu or call 502-852-6522 Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm EST for assistance.
Unofficial Transcripts
If you are a current student, you may access this information by logging in to your ULink account. If you do not have access to ULink, please email the Registrar’s Office at regoff@louisville.edu or call 502-852-6522 Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm EST for assistance.
Catalog of Courses
If you are a current student, you may access this information by logging in to your ULink account. If you do not have access to ULink, please email the Registrar’s Office at regoff@louisville.edu or call 502-852-6522 Monday – Friday from 9am-5pm EST for assistance.

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